Years Of Experience

Who We are

About ClassMEE

classmee.com is an extensive school management system portal for the schools, iti collages and collages and education industry. where student/parents get own child attendance,class teacher, syllabus, timetable, homework after login which access will provide by school/collage to information.

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Core Features

Amazing Features For Business Solutions

Our Mission

ClassMEE.com is an extensive school management system portal for the schools, iti collages and collages and education industry. where student/parents get own child attendance,class teacher, syllabus, timetable, homework after login which access will provide by school/collage to information.

Our Vision

ClassMEE is an extensive school management system portal for the schools, iti collages and collages and education industry. where student/parents get own child attendance,class teacher, syllabus, timetable, homework after login which access will provide by school/collage to information.

Our Values

Expert People

Dedicated Team Members

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Sonu Kumar Gupta

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Guy Hawkins

CEO, Gerow Agency
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